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Ashleigh Stokes
Ovarian Cancer Australia
About Ovarian Cancer Australia:
Ovarian Cancer Australia is the independent national organisation that takes action for people affected by ovarian cancer and was founded in 2001 by a group of people who had been affected by ovarian cancer, either themselves or through someone they loved. Ovarian Cancer Australia provides support for women and their families, raises community awareness of ovarian cancer, advocates for improved services for women and promotes and funds research.Ovarian Cancer Australia’s vision is to save lives and ensure that no woman with ovarian cancer walks alone.
Ovarian Cancer: The Facts
- In Australia the overall five-year survival rate for women diagnosed with ovarian cancer is 49%.
- In comparison, the overall five-year survival rate for women diagnosed with breast cancer is 92%
- Each year, over 1,800 Australian women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and around 1,000 women will die from the disease
- 70% of patients diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer will have a recurrence within 3 years
- There is no early detection test for ovarian cancer
- The disease can affect females of all ages
Website www.ovariancancer.net.au
Twitter & Instagram: @ovariancancerOz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OvarianCancerAustralia
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